MPC Wallet

TowneSquare Connect is a web-hosted blockchain wallet offering powered by MPC accounts. TowneSquare Connect can unlock faster user growth, improved product stickiness/usage, and enhanced user protection via…

  1. Simplified onboarding - A user only has to log in via their social account to get a self-custodial blockchain account.

  2. No downloads required - A user does not need to leave your dApp to get a wallet. Creating an account and signing transactions are all done through pop-up prompts on the app’s site.

  3. _Interoperable accounts - A user can take their account anywhere TowneSquare Connect is supported in the Monad ecosystem"

  4. Seamless cross-device experience on both desktop and mobile - The UX is the same for both desktop and mobile.

  5. No key management - Connect protects your users from themselves by not asking them to manage any private keys and gives them familiar web2 social recovery in case they are locked out.

TowneSquare Connect also offers a home for users to link other types of accounts. Users can register other private key accounts they have across the Aptos ecosystem to consolidate account access under one social login.

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